Outplacement is a key ingredient of your organization’s long-term hiring strategy.

All organizations must make changes.
We can support your outgoing personnel and help them find new work.

Outplacement is a key ingredient of your organization’s long-term hiring strategy. It's about preserving your brand at every part of the employee experience, even when they are leaving your company. A well thought out, caring and strategic outsourcing plan will ensure your brand stays intact and provide long-term rewards in building a sustainable talent pool.

The business benefit of outplacement is clear. Companies spend billions of dollars every year to build their brand to attract the caliber of employees they desperately need to reach goals. While the majority of the investment is made on the front end, outplacement support is a final way to recognize the contributions an employee made toward your organization by creating a way for them to find a new and engaging challenge. In many cases outplacement provides the key to a complete talent brand solution.

Have you heard the saying, “The way you do anything is the way you do everything”? Preserving your employer brand at outplacement is just as critical as it is when recruiting. Let us help you safeguard your employee brand and handle the hard work of managing the employee experience as they leave your firm.

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We Provide:

  • Career coaching

  • Career transition support

  • Resume review

  • Interview preparation

  • Introductions for prospective employment

  • Career transition support

  • Retirement planning

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Career Transition Support

Sometimes, an employee may realize they have a big dream to do something different. They may be a better fit in another department of your organization, or in a totally different industry.

When an individual faces a career transition, there are many factors they are uncertain about – resumes, LinkedIn, salary negotiations, and most importantly, what does their ideal job actually look like? Often just knowing where to start is the hardest part. We can help by introducing them to our wide network of professionals. They can learn about new industries from experts in the field. We can facilitate their industry transition.

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Corporate Outplacement

When facing organizational change, Talent-Connect helps these affected individuals find their next career opportunity. Imagine the relief your former staff feels knowing they will have someone to support them with their job search.



Our team empowers job seekers to confidently move forward in the job search process. We teach individuals to stand out in a talent pool. Our clients have a track record of success, and are currently employed in their ideal job scenarios -- and they have a plan moving forward!

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Community of Talent

Our team is well respected and has relationships with many organizations within the Delaware Valley and throughout the U.S. We have a network of hiring managers who look to us to connect them with prospective employees. We can teach your outgoing employees how to supplement their network and connect to their next job opportunity.